Wednesday, November 25, 2009

News Paper Articles - Water

View beberapa news papaer article regarding our water...

Elken Bio-Pure Ken Gold Seal Award by WQA - Water Quality Association

1 of 5 s-300 Gold Seal Award MTD by WQA is Elken Bio-Pure and others adalah daripada USA. Please refer below (from statement to understand what is S-300 Gold Seal Award.

Water Quality Association



This section of the directory lists low pressure reverse osmosis drinking water systems which have been certified in accordance with "Voluntary Industry Standard For Point-Of-Use Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems," S-300, and is published periodically by the Water Quality Association (WQA), as a service to the industry and consumers. The WQA is a not-for-profit international association of manufacturers, distributors, and dealers of water treatment systems for household, commercial, and industrial applications. This on-line directory is continuously updated to identify those water treatment equipment products that have been tested and passed stringent industry standards to become certified by the Water Quality Association.

Certification means that a production line reverse osmosis system was tested at the Water Quality Association laboratory, or any of the other testing laboratories recognized by the Water Quality Association, and was found to have met the standards for reduction of specific contaminants. In addition, the materials and components used in these reverse osmosis systems must meet the rigorous safety and structural

Elken Biopure Sdn. Bhd.
No. 20, Jalan 1/137C, Batu 5,
Jalan Kelang Lama, Kuala Lumpur 58000
Phone: 603 7985 8888

Product Type: Countertop with Storage Tank or Reservoir

Brand Name Model Number Daily Production Rate (Gallons/day) Reduction Claims
Bio Pure KEN 1 36.8 Trivalent Chromium

Bio Pure KEN 3 36.8 Trivalent Chromium

Bio Pure KEN 2 36.8 Trivalent Chromium

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Air Mineral or Air RO ? Discussion

There is an interesting discussion regarding this issue. Some people thought that Air Mineral is good...some say Air RO...for me...after buat beberapa researchs...I found that..I tend to use Air RO for myself and family..I think you should do the can view this discussion in...

Below is some of my explanation to 1 of the article paste in that discussion forum..

Post Last Edit by koken_7 at 11-11-2009 00:52

Thanks for the information Bro, but I ada different understanding. My answer is 'Reply By'

Apakah air RO?
Air RO (Reverse Osmosis) adalah air yang paling kosong (air mati) - tiada sebarang mineral atau zat. :
Reply By: Air tidak perlukan zat. Fungsi air adalah:
a: Detoksifikasi
b: Melincirkan sendi2
c: Menyokong sistem penghadaman
d: mengawal suhu badan
e: Menghantar nutrien dan oksigen ke sel2 badan

Apakah air mineral?
Air mineral yang dimaksudkan di sini adalah air yang telah ditapis segala kekotorannya tapi ada mineral, elektrolit mineral,
zat-zat dan oksigen - yang lebih dikenali sebagai air mineral hidup atau air hidup semulajadi. Kebersihannya setara dengan air RO, cuma yang membezakannya ialah air RO tiada sebarang zat atau mineral.
Reply By :1) The objective is good enough. BUT, minerals and logam berat mempunyai saiz ion yang sama besar, bagaimana hendak filter hendak bezakan antara good minerals and ion logam berat.
2)mineral terbahagi kepada 2:
a: Organik -- Daripada tumbuhan2, buah-buahan, susu dr lembu etc: can be utilized by cell sbb ikatan antara ion2 mampu di break down into usable minerals for tissues repair and function.
b: Tidak organik -- besi, arsenik, --- tidak boleh digunakan kerana ikatan kovalen tidak mampu diuraikan oleh human body. This kind of minerals is treated by human boday as toxins rather than nutrients.

Mineral dlm air adalah tidak organik. Cth, besi dlm epal (organik) and besi paku (tidak organik)..mana lebih berkhasiat? kalsium susu lembu (organik) and kalsium air (tidak organik)? adakah dengan kekurangan kalsium dlm badan doktor akan suruh pesakit minum susu or bykkan minum air? 1 gelas susu mempunyai kalsium about 300 gelas air...hmmm...better minum susu (organik minerals).

Maksud firman Allah Taala:
“Padahal antara BATU-BATU itu ada yang terpancar dan mengalir air sungai daripadanya, dan ada pula antaranya (BATU-BATU itu) yang pecah-pecah terbelah lalu keluar mata air daripadanya.?”
(Al Baqarah: 74)

“Dan ketika Nabi Musa memohon supaya diberikan air untuk kaumnya, maka Kami berfirman: Pukullah BATU itu dengan tongkatmu, lalu terpancutlah daripada BATU itu 12 mata air…”
(Al Baqarah: 60)

Peranan batu-batu di sini menunjukkan yang air tersebut mengandungi mineral, galian-galian lain dan zat. Jika ada air yang lebih baik, tentu Allah menurunkan-Nya daripada langit.
Reply By: Air mata air/Air Tejun Lata Kinjang Perak diuji dengan Total Dissolve Solid (TDS) Meter : 0 ppm - Meaning no Total Dissolve Solid at all. Jika air mata air mempunyai minerals, meaning that, TDS meter will show some reading.

Air R.O adalah air paling kosong. Dikenali juga sebagai air mati. Memang bersih dan bebas daripada kuman tetapi tidak membawa manafaat kepada keperluan kesihatan kita. Kita hendak keluarga kita minum air yang berzat, bukannya air kosong.
Reply By: Kita tidak perlu khasiat daripada air, kita perlu khasiat dari makanan cthnya, nasi, sayuran, buah-buahan...Mineral (or wrong perception as nutrients) dalam air tidak berguna kepada badan kerana bukan organik..hanya penyebab kepada batu karang...

Apabila sesuatu air tidak ada elektrolit mineral, ia amat cepat menyerap radikal bebas daripada makanan yang masuk ke dalam badan kita. Radikal bebas memang kita ketahui merupakan penyebab utama pelbagai penyakit berbahaya di dunia ini. Radikal bebas ini pula akan digunakan di mana sahaja air itu sampai. Jika air itu digunakan di otak, maka radikal bebas akan ke otak. Kalau air itu beroperasi di jantung, paru-paru, buah pinggang, usus-usus dan lain-lain, maka ke situ jugalah radikal bebas tadi akan beroperasi sama. Alangkah bahayanya!
Reply By : 1: Radikal bebas maybe sama dengan Air Aura (kata sesetengah org), meaning partikel between H2O itself tidak bercantum dan senang diserap oleh sel2 (I think it is good).
2: Actually when people talk abut penyerapan nutriens from boday actually by blood, Acidic blood. Kenapa darah kita berasid (punca kepada byk penyakit) sbb sumber pemakanan kita yg asidic..cthnya..daging, burger, french fries....
alkaline food yg akan seimbangkan our blood PH are:
a: sayuran
b: buahan
c: Alga
d: Susu
d: telur putih
Adakah kita byk makan asidic food tp kurang makanan alkaline food? Then our blood is asidic dan ini punca kepada byk penyakit..

Oleh kerana air R.O tidak ada sebarang zat, maka apabila ia masuk saja ke dalam tubuh, ia juga akan menyerap/ mencuri zat-zat yang ada dalam tubuh kita. Hukumnya sama seperti gula biasa yang kita gunakan. Oleh kerana ia tiada sebarang zat/ nutrien, maka ia akan mencuri zat daripada badan kita sebaik sahaja ia masuk ke dalam badan. Ini amat berbahaya terutamanya kepada orang yang telah sedia sakit. Sudahlah sakit, akan kehilangan zat pula. Air RO amat bahaya jika diberikan kepada mereka yang sakit. Hentikan hari ini juga.
Reply By: Jawapan adalah seperti diatas...water bknlah sumber nutrien...Ia jugak bkn satu medium yang boleh menyerap (kena bukak buku fizik/kimia balik klu nk paham apa itu medium) something. Air yang bersih (RO or air mata sungai) amat sesuai utk org sakit.
info: org melayu kalau sakit akan pegi minum air dr anak bukit, hulu2 sungai...all of that is air bersih, 0 ppm TDS = RO also 0 ppm TDS. Hmm..this is the logic if you think properly...

Mineral sangat penting untuk tubuh badan kita. Sebab itu Allah menjadikan semua air tawar di dunia ini mengandungi mineral dan hidup pada zaman yang lampau. Oleh kerana dunia semakin tercemar, maka takungan air mineral hidup ini hanya tinggal 5 tempat sahaja di seluruh dunia . Cuba fikirkan? mengapa kerajaan tidak membenarkan air RO yang dibotolkan dilabel sebagai air mineral - mesti ditulis sebagai air minuman sahaja? Mengapa? Ini kerana air mineral sangat tinggi nilainya dan mesti sah sumbernya, barulah boleh dilabel sebagai air mineral.
Reply By: Again, air mata air/hulu sungai tidak mempunyai mineral. Mengapa kerajaan x beri? Oh, itu kena tanya Pak Menteri...

Tuhan lebih tahu air jenis apakah yang paling sesuai dengan fitrah kejadian tubuh badan manusia. Sebab itu suatu ketika dahulu semua air tawar di dunia ini adalah air mineral hidup, bukannya air kosong tanpa mineral. Itulah air yang digunakan oleh manusia terawal termasuklah Nabi Adam as, bukannya air R.O. Kalau air yang bersih tetapi kosong/mati (iaitu air R.O) itu yang paling baik untuk manusia, sudah pasti Allah menjadikan semua air tawar di dunia ini suatu ketika dahulu tiada mineral dan kosong/ mati seperti air RO.
Reply By: Again, the answer is, air sungai (hulu) or mata air 0 ppm TDS = RO (0 ppm TDS), so maknanya, org zaman dahulu minium air tanpa mineral.

Hanya ada 5 tempat saja lagi di seluruh dunia yang masih ada takungan air mineral hidup. Penduduk di sini kebanyakannya berusia lebih 100 tahun, tiada sebarang penyakit, tiada karat gigi, boleh melahirkan anak pada usia yang lewat dan memiliki pelbagai kelebihan lagi yang tidak ada pada kita yang minum air biasa.
Reply By: Again, no mineral hidup. Yang ada, 1)Mineral Organik 2) Mineral Tidak Organik
info: I think the healthiest and paling ramai hidup lama di Okinawa Jepun, they're living atas pulau, no sumber air bersih accept air, Jepun government build up RO plant to convert air laut menjadi air bersih for the

Bagaimana cara untuk memilih mesin penapis air mineral yang baik?

Pastikan airnya mengalir dari bawah ke atas kerana air yang mengalir sebaliknya tidak akan menyentuh semua bahan yang ada dalam setiap balang/kebuk penapis itu.
Pastikan bentuknya cantik- sesuai diletakkan di mana-mana. Kalau boleh biar dalam satu binaan- tidak berasing-asing. Ada mesin yang satu kebuk/balangnya terletak di luar. Ini menjadikan mesin itu tidak cantik dipandang.
Cara penggunaannya mudah. Pemasangannya mudah. Tak pakai kuasa elektrik atau bateri.
Jangka hayat balang/kebuknya tahan lama.
Reply By: Minum air yang bersih...Air=H20, why we need bendaing dlm air sedangkan kita minum air H2O bknnya pb, mg, nitrat, kalium, arsenik etc.

For our information:
Pepejal terlarut (TDS) or 'MINERALS' yg biasa dijumpai dalam air adalah:
1: kalsium
2: Fluorida
3: magnesium
4: Fosforus
5: Sulfat
6: Natrium
7: Arsenik
8: Nitrat
9: Nitrit
10: Barium
11: kadmium
12: Kromium
13: tembaga
14: Pumbum
15: Selenium
16: Radium

If kita nak minum air bermineral, please prepare to absorb this kind of heavy metal into our body (sbb saiz mineral adalah sama dgn saiz ion logam berat, if the filter tend untuk lepaskan mineral, maknanya ia juga akan lepaskan logam berat) fikir...air bersih or air bermineral....

info: my concern is not minerals, it will not effect our body much except batu karang maybe...but more towards logam berat, karat, racun rumpai...our piping system is very bad which contribute to this bendasing dalam air kita...peace...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Saiz Bahan Tercemar/Contaminant Size

Perbezaan Teknik Rawatan Air Dan Keberkesanannya/Comparison Water Treatment Methods and Its Effectiveness

About Water - Water Treatment Methods

Drinking water quality has a direct impact on our well-being since 70% of our body consists of H2O. Water plays a vital role in virtually all bodily functions; especially in:
-Detoxifying the body
-Lubricating joints of the skeletal system
-Supporting the digestive system
-Regulating body temperature
-Delivering nutrients and oxygen to cells
Are we unknowingly drinking contaminated water? Contaminated water doesn’t always look. In fact, many contaminants lurk within seemingly crystal-clear water.

Health Effects Of Contaminants In Drinking Water
Contaminants are often broken into different categories, or types, as seen below:
a: Biological contaminants include "living organisms" such as bacteria, virus, cysts, etc. These are responsible for millions of deaths each year.
b: Organic contaminants include pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, pharmaceuticals, etc. and are found in water all over the world. They can cause, among other things, endocrine system disruption, cancer and death.
c: Inorganic contaminants include dissolved solids such as nitrates, nitrites, asbestos, calcium, magnesium, etc. plus dissolved metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, copper, etc.
d: Chlorine/Disinfection By-Products, also known as DBPs, include such things as Trihalomethanes and Bromides. Dozens of these compounds have been recently identified and are considered carcinogenic.
e: Aesthetic contaminants are those considered to be non-health threatening, in and of themselves, and include things like taste, odour, colour, etc.

Water Treatment Methods

Reverse Osmosis
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a common treatment technology that produces high quality water. Pressure forces water against a semi-permeable membrane to purify water at a molecular level. RO typically incorporates a sediment filter and an activated carbon filter, which removes chlorine and reduces volatile organic compound(VOCs).
RO is effective against virtually all health and aesthetic contaminants. According to a recent investigative report by Associated Press, RO is one technology that removes virtually all pharmaceutical contaminants, which are among the most dangerous and stubborn contaminants today. Its high water purity is the reason why it is used throughout the food and beverage industries. R.O. membranes can differ in quality. The use of pumps in an R.O. system can increase the water pressure, thus helping the system to achieve the maximum efficiency. The virtual porosity of a good RO membrane/system is as small as 0.0001 microns.
Reverse osmosis removes:
a: Biological contaminants such as Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses
Organic contaminants such as Herbicides, Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals/Medication
b: Inorganic contaminants such as Dirt, Sediment, Asbestos, Nitrates and Nitrites
c: Total Dissolved Solids such as Calcium, Fluoride, Magnesium and Sodium
d: Heavy Metals such as Arsenic, Copper, Lead and Cadmium
e: Radioactive Ions like Radium and Strontium
f: Disinfection By-Products such as Trihalomethanes

Bringing water to a boil for at least 10 minutes is an effective method to kill most types of disease-causing organisms that often cause diarrhoea, fatigue, cramps and nausea when ingested. Although that does not remove them from your drinking water, it does kill them and ensure that they will not cause illnesses.
However, boiling water does not purify it as it does not provide any safeguard against other contaminants that enter our water supply, for instance heavy metals, pesticides or even lead from your piping system. Boiling water also has no effect on turbidity (cloudy water), foul tastes and odours. Water that has been boiled often tastes flat.
Boiling water kills:
a: Most Biological contaminants such as Bacteria, Viruses and Parasites

Activated Carbon
Activated carbon can come in granular or solid block form. Also known as GAC, this form of carbon has been processed to make it extremely porous with a very large surface area for ‘collecting’ organic molecules on its surface. Due to its high degree of micro-porosity, just one gram of quality activated carbon can have a surface area of approximately 2 tennis courts.
This is an inexpensive and well-established technology for the reduction of a wide range of aesthetic contaminants, and is quite effective in the reduction of some health contaminants, for example volatile organic compounds like benzene and other petroleum-based contaminants. However, it does not bind well to alcohol, strong acids, metals and most inorganic materials like iron and lead.
Activated carbon removes:
a: Most Organic contaminants such as Herbicides and Pesticides
b: Some Inorganic contaminants such as Dirt and Sediment
c: Disinfection By-Products such as Trihalomethanes
It does not remove:
a: Most Biological contaminants such as Viruses and Bacteria
b: Inorganic contaminants such as Asbestos, Nitrates and Nitrites
c: Some Organic contaminants such as Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medication

Ultraviolet Light
UV light can disrupt the DNA of micro-organisms like bacteria and viruses, thus inactivating them. Therefore they cannot reproduce.
One downside of UV is that if dust or film coats the UV bulb or if micro-organisms ‘hide’ behind other larger contaminants, the straight-moving UV light is blocked, rendering it ineffective. UV is also ineffective against non-biological contaminants like lead, arsenic, chemical residues and pharmaceutical drugs. That’s why it should always be pared with other types of filtration, such as a sediment filter and a carbon filter. UV systems require careful maintenance.
Ultraviolet light is effective against:
a: Biological contaminants such as Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses
Unless used in combination with other water treatment methods,
UV light system is not effective against:
a: Organic contaminants such as Herbicides, Pesticides and Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medication
b: Inorganic contaminants such as Dirt, Sediment, Asbestos, Nitrates and Nitrites
c: Total Dissolved Solids such as Calcium, Fluoride, Magnesium and Sodium
d: Heavy Metals such as Arsenic, Copper, Lead and Cadmium
e: Radioactive Ions like Radium and Strontium

An ozone generator converts some of the oxygen found in air to O3, or ozone. Ozone-saturated bubbles mix with water and one weak oxygen atom in each O3 molecule attaches to organic molecules in water and oxidizes them in a way similar to chlorination.
Ozone is effective for treating pathogens like coliform bacteria and legionella, but it is not effective against hard-shelled cysts like Cryptosporidium or Giardia lamblia without using high contact times and concentrations. As ozone is primarily effective against biological contaminants, it should always be paired with a carbon-based, sand-based or other media based filtration system to remove other types of contaminants.
Ozone destroys:
a: Most Biological contaminants such as Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses
Unless used in combination with other water treatment methods,
an ozone system is not effective against:
a: Some Biological contaminants such as Hard-shelled Cysts
Certain Organic contaminants such as Herbicides, Pesticides and Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medication
b: Inorganic contaminants such as Dirt, Sediment, Asbestos, Nitrates and Nitrites
c: Total Dissolved Solids such as Calcium, Fluoride, Magnesium and Sodium
d: Heavy Metals such as Arsenic, Copper, Lead and Cadmium
e: Radioactive Ions like Radium and Strontium
f: Disinfection By-Products such as Trihalomethanes

Distillation produces high quality treated water by heating the water until it turns to steam. The steam travels through a condensation coil, where it is cooled and condensed back into liquid form. The condensed water in the second section is usually substantially free of contaminants.
Distillation provides a high degree of effectiveness against a broad range of health contaminants but it is ineffective against Volatile Organic Contaminants (VOC) such as benzene and radon, which give off harmful vapors that can move through the system with the steam. The high energy requirements, relatively long production time and the need to use strong chemicals to clean the heating coils may also be discouraging factors.
Distillation removes:
a: Biological contaminants such as Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses
Inorganic contaminants such as Dirt, Sediment, Asbestos, Nitrates and Nitrites
b: Total Dissolved Solids such as Calcium, Fluoride, Magnesium and Sodium
c: Heavy Metals such as Arsenic, Copper, Lead and Cadmium
Radioactive Ions like Radium and Strontium
It does not remove:
a: Organic contaminants such as Herbicides, Pesticides and Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medication
b: Disinfection By-Products such as Trihalomethanes

Filtration operates to physically remove contaminants, thus their effectiveness depends greatly on the micron size of the filters.
Particle Filtration (from 1 micron to 100 micron) Cartridge-type filtration is used to remove sediment through the usage of a filter material:
-Pleated impregnated cellulose (20 micron) - removes dirt, rust, scale and fine silt
-Pleated synthetic fabric (from 1.0 to 100 micron) - removes clay, fine silt and scale particles
-String-wound fiber (from 0.5 to 100 micron)- can remove coarse undissolved particulates to fine particulates depending on its micron size
-Bonded filter - can remove different particulates depending on fine, medium or coarse micron rating
b) Method:
Microfiltration (from 0.2 to 5 micron) Microfiltration uses a filter media to physically prevent biological contamination like protozoan cysts and bacteria (but does not remove viruses) from passing through. Ceramic and solid block carbon are commonly used to provide microfiltration.
Ceramic filters can often be cleaned and reused a few times before they lose effectiveness while carbon block media usually has to be disposed of after each use. However, carbon block provides additional treatment for certain health-related and aesthetic contaminants (see activated carbon section).
Please see ‘Contaminant Size Diagram’ to view what contaminants these filters can remove (depending on their micron size).

Also known as water ionizers, microwater machines or restructured water machines, these are mainly electrolysis machines. During electrolysis, water is separated into alkaline acid fractions by exploiting the electric charge of the calcium and magnesium ions present in nearly all sources of drinking water.
Some parties have claimed that drinking alkaline water will help to maintain body fluid at the optimal pH, thus providing many health benefits. However, this has not been scientifically proven. In fact, it has been said that the pH of drinking water has little to no effect on body fluid pH as it will be neutralized by the highly acidic pH of our gastric fluid in the stomach. Water that is sufficiently alkaline so as to significantly affect gastric pH is unlikely to be considered potable and may even interfere with digestion.
An Alkaline-Ion system does not remove any contaminants. Removal of contaminants depends solely on the quality of its pre-filter(s).
It does not remove:
a: Biological contaminants such as Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses
Organic contaminants such as Herbicides, Pesticides and Pharmaceutical Drugs/Medication
b: Inorganic contaminants such as Dirt, Sediment, Asbestos, Nitrates and Nitrites
c: Total Dissolved Solids such as Calcium, Fluoride, Magnesium and Sodium
d: Heavy Metals such as Arsenic, Copper, Lead and Cadmium
e: Radioactive Ions like Radium and Strontium
f: Disinfection By-Products such as Trihalomethanes

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kepentingan Air Terhadap Kesihatan Manusia

70% daripada badan manusia terdiri daripada air (H2O).

Kandungan H2O dalam:

i: Otak 80%

ii: Jantung 75%

iii: Paru-paru 86%

iv: Hati 86%

v: Buah pinggang 83%

vi: Otot 75%

vii: Darah 90%

Air memainkan peranan penting dalam banyak fungsi badan terutamanya:

a: Detoksifikasi

b: Melincirkan sendi-sendi

c: Menyokong sistem penghadaman

d: Mengawal suhu badan

e: Menghantar nutrien dan oksigen ke sel-sel badan

Kualiti air minuman mempunyai impak secara langsung kepada kesihatan kita.

4 Jenis Bahan Pencemar Biasa Dalam Air

a: Bahan Pencemar Biologikal (Bakteria, Virus, Parasit dll)
- Menurut Bank Dunia, 88% daripada semua penyakit di dunia berpunca daripada air minuman yang tidak selamat, sanitasi yang tidak mencukupi serta kerbersihan yang tidak cekap.
- Setiap tahun, masalah yang berkaitan dengan air bertanggungjawab atas 4 bilion kes cirit birit yang menyebabkan kematian terhadap lebih daripada 6 juta orang kanak-kanak.
- Air yang tidak bersih mengakibatkan 1.5 juta kes hepatitis A (dan 133 juta kes cacing usus)
*Laporan CNN, Disember 2007

b: Bahan Pencemar Organik (Racun perosak, Racun Rumpai, Bahan Kimia Perindustrian dll)
- Menurut 'Earth Day Network', 14 juta penduduk A.S kini secara malarnya minum air yang dicemari oleh racun rumpai karsinogenik.
*Laporan CNN Disember 2007
- Peningkatan jumlah kematian akibat kanser mungkin sebahagiannya berpunca daripada racun perosak, baja dan sisa perindustrian yang semakin banyak terlepas ke dalam bekalan air kita
*Reader's Digest

c: Produk Sampingan Disinfeksi (Trihalometana THMs, Kloroform dll)
- Satu kajian terhadap hampir 400,000 bayi membuktikan bahawa kimia yang terbentuk semasa pengklorinan berkait rapat dengan kejadian kecacatan semasa lahir.
*The Daily Mail Online, 03/06/2008
- Risiko Kanser di kalangan orang yang minum air berklorin adalah 93% lebih tinggi daripada golongan yang minum air tanpa klorin.
*U.S Council of Environment Quality

d: Bahan Pencemar Bukan Organik (Plumbum, Nitrat, Arsenik, Asbestos, Debu, Mendapan dll)
- Arsenik adalah beracun kepada semua sel hidup dan akan menyebabkan kanser paru-paru, hati, buah pinggang dan pundi kencing yang membawa maut dikalangan manusia
*Persatuan Mikrobiologi Umum
- Paras nitrat yang tinggi menyebabkan "Sindrom Bayi Biru" yang mengurangkan keupayaan darah membawa oksigen.
- Plumbum berbahaya kepada perkembangan otak janin, kanak-kanak dan wanita hamil, manakala menimbulkan masalah buah pinggang & tekanan darah tinggi bagi golongan dewasa.